3 Steps To Take Better Mirror Selfies

Mirror selfies are a strange thing- for some people, they are a way of life; something that they do every day in order to make purchasing decisions, keep track of outfits, or because they just look so damn sexy. And then there is the other end of the thought spectrum, which is that mirror selfies are for the terminally self-absorbed. Both schools of thought may be true, however, one thing is certain: if you’re going to take a mirror selfie, it better look good! By looking good, that doesn’t mean that you have to be model material; it is more about the composition of the photo than the person being photographed.

Of course, if you’re only sending the selfie to your friend in order to get their advice on whether or not to buy that pair of jeans, you don’t need to take lighting into account in the same way you would if you were putting that photo on Instagram. If you DID want to post a few pics online, here are a few pointers to follow

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